About Us

Public Interest Projects is a section 501(c)(3) public charity that operates grantmaking, technical assistance and strategic-planning programs for institutional donors interested in social justice and human rights issues. By developing sustainable partnerships among donors, grantees and allied groups, it seeks to foster a movement for positive social change resulting in equality, fairness and a stronger participatory democracy.

Public Interest Projects achieves this by:

  • Managing strategic and culturally sensitive collaborative funds and initiatives;
  • Linking and convening partners with similar goals on local, regional and national levels to collaborate and share knowledge;
  • Providing expertise and resources—including highly experienced staff—to help build capacity in the field; and
  • Nurturing organizations, projects and affinity groups through fiscal sponsorship and other services.

For more information on Public Interest Projects, visit publicinterestprojects.org.

THE U.S. HUMAN RIGHTS FUND is a partnership of donors who provide strategic field-building support to social justice organizations engaged in human rights work within the U.S. The Fund's mission is to promote dignity, equality, and opportunity for all people by advocating for the United States to uphold international human rights within its borders. The USHRF is a project of Public Interest Projects. For more information, see ushumanrightsfund.org/.